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Save the forests

Fri, 26/11/2010

Biding Time is about change and Climate Change is a significant thread. The current UK government plans to sell off significant amounts of publicly owned land.  According to the Independent on 25th October 2010:

'The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs plans to dispose of about half the land looked after by the Forestry Commission, raising fears that the trees will disappear to be replaced by amusement parks and other ventures. The Forestry Commission holds about 1.85 million acres of woodland, about a third of which may be sold off, in one the biggest land sales in British history.' 

This action needs to be widely discussed and ideally stopped. Britain has civilised so much of its natural reserves into lawns and urban developments. While there may not be any wilderness left in England, forests provide a habitat for animals and birds and are an important part of the nations ecology. 

38 degrees is running a campaign. Please sign the petition and join the struggle.