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Flying around

Thu, 19/05/2011

Back from a wonderful trip to Seoul and also visited Stockholm in April. The connections for the project are growing all the time and often from unlikely sources - I am chasing one person and another presents themselves. The wealth of understanding and humility these cultural exchanges offer is inspiring. People find BiDiNG TiME works for them in a number of different ways and I am overwhelmed by the insights people offer. The concept of offering a shared starting point and allowing people the space to make it their own seems very relevant. In the process we all consider the cultural differences.  But flying is very bad for the environment, its not great for people either as the ability to be thousands of miles away very quickly gives a false impression of the world as a small hospitable place. It is not. Developing an international project needs a certain amount of travel - although we are also connected to people we do not know virtually and these are very exciting developments. The unfortunate or perhaps irrefutable fact is that meeting people is better, the range of information one receives from sitting with them, breathing the same air and exchanging energy is golden. I am counting the carbon footprint and getting anxious about effective offsetting and the only hope is that the wider aim of this project, to limit travel and concentrate on virtual connection because we share a story, might be worth the carbon cost.